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Design Professional

William, from the Land of the Delta Blues & Elvis Presley, brings his BBQ soul to the Hot Chicken city. You will never see William without a watch and a new(ish) pair of shoes. Self-identifying with a past era, he is most commonly found rewatching ‘Mad Men’ from his Mid-Century Modern furniture. Through his time spent at Aalto University in Finland, he cultivated his belief that design should be integral in all facets and at all scales. At his desk, a piece of paper and a pen are his go-to and most used tools. His interest in architecture does not lie solely in excellent design, but rather in how valuable design affects communities and brings about social change.

What Profession If Not Architecture?

Graphic Design

Guilty Pleasure

Nordstrom Rack

Any Collections?

Plants... most don’t last very long, though

Soundtrack To Your Life

Anything 2000s Pop/R&B

“If you have a talent, instead of using it to go further, use it to arrive accompanied.”

Alejandro Aravena