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Design Professional

After spending his first 18 years of life on a farm in Western NY, Luke has been on a slow increasingly urban journey Southward. Aside from learning that “y’all” is much easier than “you guys”, the last 2 years in Nashville have taught Luke the joys of good BBQ and Chicken N’ Dumplings along with the horrors of boiled peanuts and pork rinds. Luke works on a variety of projects in the office, including residential, commercial, religious, and government. When not curled up with a good novel and cup of coffee, Luke can be found traveling, cheering on the Buckeyes, playing board games, or managing his fantasy football teams.

Is happiest when skiing down a mountain.

Has been to more countries than U.S states.

Favorite sports team is the Buffalo Bills (and anyone that beats the Patriots).

Once made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

“I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

C.S. Lewis