Say Hello To


Design Professional

Brent was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN, where he gained, among other things, an accent and some southern charm. After graduating from the University of Tennessee, he traded in his F-150 for a metro pass and moved to New York. After 4 years of living in Brooklyn and learning the value of a front yard and elbow room, he relocated back to Tennessee to join Centric Architecture. He has experience with multiple project types, including residential, commercial, hospitality, restaurant, and educational.

When he’s not at work, he can be found socializing, seeking thrills, and singing in the shower.

Loves weddings because they make people who don’t normally dance, dance.

Favorite Musician

Stevie Wonder

If You Had A Super Power, It Would Be

The Ability To Fly

Favorite Movie


“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.”

Jim Carrey